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For years we have carelessly been consuming and wasting, it was only until the 21st century, that we came to realize our wastage has polluted the earth and driven species to extinction. Even after facing the facts, we avoid the truth because for once the truth doesn't seem to be hurting us - it's hurting the planet. It has taken us long enough to understand the implications of our detrimental actions, which is why we must create a change to provide the next generations with a better, brighter future. However, we can't reverse our actions quickly. It will take time and patience, and the contribution of everyone. We don't have to do something grand in order to create change, we just need to do our part by recycling, reducing waste, and reusing materials efficiently. 


After having realized that Canada’s recycling system was in crisis, “RECYCLE RIGHT” was created, an organization dedicated to protecting the planet by ensuring that we recycle the right way. RECYCLE NOW aims to assess recycling issues, and help raise awareness about recycling right in the GTA communities as they have the largest consumption and wastage. Our goal is receive over 5000 pledges by the end of this year. You can support us by pledging below. 


Our planet has been suffering for quite some time now, and we’ve been facing the multitudinous implications of global warming, we realized that it was time to start a wave - not a heat wave - but a wave of followers that will help us pave way for a better future by recycling right! 


Recycle Right is a community organization which was founded by two high school students, Shathana Raveetharan and Ayushka Tiwary. They both shared a passion for speaking up about controversial environmental issues which is why they founded the organization. 



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Shathana Raveetharan


Shathana Raveetharan developed an interest in raising awareness about environmental issues during middle school. After working on an assignment at school about the deforestation in the Amazon rainforest, her interest in environmental issues sparked. She then decided to work with the green team at her school and raised awareness on various other issues. Since then, Shathana makes it a point to stay well educated on the facts about important environmental issues. Shathana hopes that people will realize the severity of global warming before it's too late. 

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Ayushka Tiwary has always loved the outdoors and nature ever since she was a child. However, when she was introduced to Greenpeace during her social studies class in middle school, she realized that not everyone shared the same love for nature as her. She felt inspired by Greenpeace members and wanted to join the organization as an adult. Since then, Ayushka has made it a point to raise awareness about certain environmental issues and she firmly believes that we should be taking care of the planet in order for it to take care of us. She has participated in several initiatives geared towards raising awareness about environmental issues. 

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