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Recycling is not an extremely complex process, there are hundreds of rules and regulations as to how and what to recycle. But let’s be real, who has the time to read all of that. So we’re going to help you do your best to make a difference in the world. We’ve made a pledge to recycle more effectively and we’re hoping that you will join us too. We’ve crafted a simple guide for you to follow when recycling which is a condensed version of all the restrictions you should be aware of when recycling. 

Food and Organic Waste

The Green Bin collects food scraps such as apple cores, eggshells and discarded leftovers. If you drop food scraps into your Blue Bin, whether on purpose or by accident, the recycled materials in the blue bin soak up the food contaminants and can destroy large amounts of otherwise good recyclables.


Plastic Materials coloured Black

Black plastic of any kind, such as take-out containers and black garbage bags aren’t accepted in the City’s recycling program. There are two main reasons for this:

  • there is no stable market for the volume of black plastic generated in Toronto

  • black plastic cannot be sorted mechanically at the recycling facility because the optical sorting technology cannot recognize it

Because of this, please dispose of all black plastic in the garbage or refrain from purchasing products that contain such packaging.

Clothing and Textiles

When you've got old clothing, boots, blankets, and/or curtains, note that they're not supposed to be in the Blue Box. Cloth products can be trapped in sorting machines, and damage equipment which can sometimes cause injury to the workers at the recycling facility. Instead, donate items that are in good condition to non-profit organizations and drop them off to be reused at Community Environment Days.


VHS Tapes, Chains, Hoses and Electrical Cords

VHS tapes and most cords do not belong in your Blue Bin. They can get tangled in sorting machines, damage equipment and cause workplace injuries at the recycling facility. Donate unwanted VHS tapes or see if your local electronics store has a recycling program. Throw unwanted cords, hoses and cables in your garbage.

Hot beverage Cups

Most disposable hot drink cups are made of paper, but filled with plastic, making it hard to sort mechanically at the recycling facility. Conventional paper mills do not want coffee cups because of their low-quality paper and inside liner, which does not pulp easily and causes clogging in the pulping process. The colouring in the paper may also affect the quality of the final paper product. Paper dyes may also affect the quality of the final paper product and make it difficult for paper mills to convert cups into other paper-based products. As a result, the City could not find a stable market (i.e. buyers) for coffee cups. Instead, put the coffee cups in the trash. Non-black plastic lids and paper sleeves are to be removed and placed in a blue bin.

Containers with Leftovers or


While recycling food containers, you need to try to clean them completely and wash them before tossing, because if you don't, the remnants from the products such as take out containers are absorbed by the recycled materials and can destroy large batches of otherwise good recyclables. When emptying the excess bottles, put any food scraps into your green bin.

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